
Welcome EMS!
Message from the Dean
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songmin foto.jpgThe Economics and Management School (EMS) of Wuhan University, founded in 1893, is the large♛st of its kind in China, consisting of nearly 300 faculty members and more than 13,000 students. Over the years, we have built a reputation as one of the most influential and competitive business schools in China. Our mission is to become one of the best business schools in the world, with cutting edge research and excellence in teaching. We are also striving to be one 🎀of the most influential schools in business strategy and policy research in the fields of economics and business.

To achieve our goal, first, we are actively seeking talents to join us from all over the world. We welcome top talents in both research and teaching to enhance our school as we firmly believe that a great school consists of great scholars. We also believe that in the rapidly changing world, creativity and innovation are always in great demand. Second, we take teaching very seriously. To educate and nurture our students is always our top priority. Our students are our “best products”. Third, we emphasize serving our community by providing business consulting, policy studies, and other services. We strive to become one of the well-respected and socially responsible schools in China. Our vision is “to become a leading business school in China with world-class standing”. We firmly believe that with great effort from our faculty members, students, alumni, and other community leaders, we will realize our dream of becoming one of the best business schools in the world. Welcome to our school and enjoy your stay in our beautiful campus! Professor Song Min Dean of Economics and Management School, Wuhan University

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